Thursday, March 29, 2007

Janganlah jaga tepi kain orang....

Did you hear that two Malaysians are held in Guantanamo Bay on suspicions of being involved in Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah? Our Government has through the embassy in Washington requested the US Government to ensure that the Malaysian duo received fair and just trial under the Armed Forces Commission which is established to adjudicate detainees who are suspected to be terrorists.

Isnt that funny? Not funny ha-ha but funny in an ironic kinda way. Funny because the Government is so concerned with Malaysians detained overseas having a fair and just trial, but ignorant about Malaysians having a fair and just trial right here on our own shores. Of course by now everyone would have heard about the infamous Non-Muslims can be subjected to the Syariah Court and its rules. So essentially the Judges are saying, "Constitution? What Constitution? Oh right, the one that says Non Muslims should not be subjected to Islamic laws? Sorry, never heard of it. "

Of course all Syariah lawyers have jumped up(excitedly heaving a sigh of "FINALLY!) exclaiming the correctness of the decision and the fact that Syariah Laws emanate from the Quran and is therefore the supreme law of the Land. And then MPs jump into the fray and say, yes, yes, it is a correct decision. Its not surprising that Gopal Sri Ram dissented in his judgment, the Christian, Buddishm and Hinduism society (I do not know the exact name of the society but its along those lines) as well as Non- Muslim rakyats have disagreed with the decision which is blatantly ignoring the Constitution and of course the rights of Non-Muslims NOT to be subjected to Syariah Laws. And its of course not surprising at all that ALL Muslims have said its right right right and if you do not think so, you just have to "accept it". Credit has to be given to Datuk Zaid Ibrahim who has his head screwed on right when he said that the decision is plain wrong in the eyes of the Constituion. He didnt allow his emotions or his religion blind him in reading the true meaning of the law as enacted by our Forefathers. Syariah Laws are meant to be followed by Muslims and Muslims only. Its as simple as that. Just as Non Muslims do not insist Muslims subject themselves to a say a Hindu Court or a Christian Court, Muslims should not ask us to "accept it" if we are to appear before a Syariah Judge who has no authority over us because we do not practise the religion!
Who cares if Ms. Subashini might win in the Syariah Court (yeah, sure. We believe that!) because the Court is fair and etc etc? Its still wrong from the word GO. We dont want to go to the finishing line and cross our fingers hoping that it will end right. (And if it doesnt end right the Syariah Courts are going to say the same "accept it" line isnt it?)

All calls to the Parliament to settle the issue once and for all have met with a deafening silence. (Like what is new with silence from the Government? Maybe when they said "transparency" they meant being invisible when it comes to resolving issues. So we go, "hey, where the heck did the Government go??")

Just and fair trial? Constitution? Rights?

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