Monday, July 23, 2007

A matter of long and short

Universiti Utara Malaysia has made it into the news. I know many of us are like, Universiti what? Well, its one of those Universities established to make those who failed to get into UM, USM or UKM feel a little better that they managed to get into a public university. (Eventhough 90% of them did better than those who got into one of the top universities, at least they got something mah, what you complaining about?What? You want to do dentistry? A course on Environmental Science is similar what..)

Apparently Non-Muslims are being made to wear baju kurungs or risk being banned from entering their classes. And the official word from the University when asked was that it was a miscommunication and that the picture depicting the baju kurung was actually a lady wearing a long sleeved top and a long skirt.
Ok, wtf is the difference? They are both a long sleeved top and skirt isnt it? And why must Non Muslims wear long sleeved tops and skirts? Why cant they say, wear jeans or slacks and a blouse? Its typical of most public universities isnt it? All their versions of "decent" dressing consist of only those which are in line with Islam. Basically, here's a rundown of what DECENT means in all public universities...

So no tight pants, no mini skirts, no see through blouses, no navel exposure, no emphasis on the buttocks, no cleavage...hhmmm...I wonder what that translates into? Cheongsams cannot be worn because it would definitely emphasis the buttocks and its body hugging. So saris are out as well because it exposes the navel. So what could possibly be the appropriate outfit? What? I wonder....Could it be indirectly saying, baju kurung labuh?

The move behind these insatiable need to dress all university students in a standard long sleeved top and skirt is the underlying rationale that "its to perk up the student's image". Firstly, what sort of bad image does say,an indian girl in a sari or a chinese girl in a cheongsam, project? That she is easy? That she has no morals? That she is not a nice decent girl because her navel is exposed or her butt is "showing"?

See how happy she is? Thats why is a bad outfit!

This I tell you, is the reason why Universities in Malaysia are going down the drains. Instead of focusing on improving the academics in the university, they are busy determining what the students are wearing and what clubs the students are setting up which are not "anti-Islam" such as a Chinese Society.

What? UM is number what in the world rankings?

Gee...I wonder why. We are so dedicated to improving the standard of our education...

1 comment:

Bitch-on-a-rampage said...
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