Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The seriousness of DBKL

As much as possible, I try not to be mean. As much as possible, I refrain from calling people names. And as much as possible, I try to keep my innermost truthful thoughts to myself when someone is being stupid. But when Edmund Bon is arrested for stopping DBKL officers from removing banners placed in the private property of the Bar Council, I have to yell "WHAT ARE YOU STUPID BADAWI(to be alternated every once in a while with Gani Patail,Nazri, Musa or even any member of the Government)??"


Arrested and charged for preventing officers from DBKL from removing banners? This is instilling fear into our kids who run jogathons and food fairs. If those DBKL officers tell you to remove your "FUNFAIR" banner outside your school, you jolly well do it. They might arrest you for "obstructing justice" or "going against public orders" and they wont allow you to have bail because "its a serious offence". I mean, so what if there are murders, robberies, snatch thefts, rapes and incests going on nationwide,every day, not investigated or ignored. Preventing DBKL officers from doing their oh-so important jobs, is a SERIOUS OFFENCE. What more when they remove banners from private property? Uber important work they are doing there I tell you.
I feel so safe in this country. There are people out there who are willing to risk their lives, removing banners from private property all in the name of the nation's security and well being.

Bless DBKL.

While the main stream newspapers(who are obviously Government controlled)found it appropriate to publish 60% of Malaysians have faith in the Government!We HEART BADAWI!HELL YEAH we have democracy in this country! many of those disgruntled who have taken to the streets and turned up in court to support the lawyers detained, know better.
Does Badawi truly, truly know what is going on? If his main legal man is Nazri and that Patail guy, I am afraid he has a lousy support system. Here's a scenario which I think will unfold whenever there is a demonstration.(main actors consist of a man we shall call Ah Pak Le, Pataee and Nazahree)

Ah Pak Le: Nazahree dan Pataee macam mana ni? Mereka tengah protest.
Nazahree: Kita sapu mereka sajalah Tuan. Tangkap dan charge.
APL: Boleh ke?
Pataee: OH BOLEH! Illegal demonstration Tuan. Takde permit.
APL: Nak demonstrate kat jalan pun perlu permit ke?
N: eh, tentulah Tuan! Kita hanya tak tangkap kalau UMNO yang protest. Kalau bukan UMNO, illegal lah Tuan.
APL: Betul betul.Kalau Khairy yang protest Condoleeza Rice tu takpe la kan. Sebab dia tu pandai cari isteri.
P: Betul Tuan. Kalau bukan orang UMNO, tangkap je semua. Lepas tu, kita tak bagi jamin. Biarlah mereka duduk kat dalam lama lama. Menyesal.Lagipun, ISA tu kan best. tak payah cakap sebab apa kena tangkap.
N: lagipun, hakim hakim semua tentu setuju dengan kitorang. Kita kan kerajaan yang mengupah mereka?
APL: Betul, betul. Oklah. I trust you berdua. Korang tentu tahu sebab ada legal background kan?
N&P: yea, yea.

I am convinced that is how most policies in the Country is made out. There is this type of conversation and then there is the type of action which they take.

So we sit and wonder, while there are floods in Johore and Pahang, sweeping men and women alike under the strong currents (and this is unavoidable every time of the year due to bad construction, bad drainage and terrible development in the towns) our PM does not find it fit to perhaps find a solution to that problem (which occurs every year) and send the police men and FRU teams to help those in need. Instead, he thinks it makes more sense to send out the police to hold road blocks at every corner of the town (hence causing massive traffic jams) and sending FRUs to stop demonstrations and protests by spraying water and throwing tear gas.

Dim wits.

I heart Pak Lah?

Pi lah.


dbklsuks said...

dbklsuks said...