Friday, August 03, 2007

A fascination with stupidity...

As our 50th Merdeka looms closer, more and more useless "Kempen" are being launched.

Of course as usual, every year there will be one Minister who will go to the press and comment about the lack of patriotism displayed as Malaysians couldnt be arsed(wait, thats just me..) to display the plasticky Jalur Gemilang on our cars. (The damn glue doesnt come out ok? It spoils the paint) OR to drape our cars/home/self(ala Sudirman) with the Jalur Gemilang. Thats biasala..our patriotism is in the form of material displays. RTM felt so pressured to display the flag that they had to spend a whole load of money just to wrap a flag with our past and present PMs around Angkasapuri (arent you glad you dont work in RTM?Imagine Badawi/Mahathir/Tun Razak's face reflected on the window for a whole month just STARING at if working in RTM is not bad enough...)

What other stupid things have been done as the 50th Merdeka celebrations creep up on us.
Well, dont even get me started on the Parade that is held every year. I just dont get it, why must there be a marching parade? And the rehearsals, gawd, it takes days and days and they close up the whole blardy road. Like HELLO? Some people have more important things to do besides marching around in circles under the hot sun? Stop blocking the damn road!

But my FAVOURITE is the fanfare of lauching a new song!
Past years have seen the launching of our flag officially rebranded as "JALUR GEMILANG" So Ministers must show up, people must attend to cheer and clap, everyone must sing the know the drill.

Then this year we launch the "Lagu Malaysiaku Gemilang".
In all honesty, with no disrespect to whomever who came up with the words , this song is just a matter of plucking out words that make our country sound good and meshing them together.
Here's a reproduction (must sing with great patriotism-marching optional)

Marilah kita semua,
Atas nama negara Bangsa
Dengan tekad mulia
Maju berwawasan
Mencipta Keagungan

Berpadulah kita semua
Di dalam suatu suara
Dengan degupan Merdeka
Menjulang Budaya Bangsa
Untuk Malaysia Tercinta

Malaysiaku Gemilang
Merdekanya terbilang
Berdaulat dan Makmur
Berjaya kami Syukur

Malaysia, Kebebasan Kedamaian
Malaysia, Kebahagiaan Kebanggaan
Malaysia, Cemerlang Terbilang
Malaysiaku Gagah Gemilang
[Repeat Chrous to fade..]

Does it make any sense to you? It doesnt make any sense to me.

Its like this, here's my shot at creating a song that doesnt really make sense but has all the great words to let everyone know I'm proud to be a Malaysian dammit!:-

Bersamalah kita semua,
Di bawah jalur gemilang,
Berbangga dan Bermaruah,
Berjuang untuk Negara.

Malaysiaku, Hebat
Malaysiaku Boleh,
Malaysiaku Hebat hebat belaka,
Malaysiaku Canggih Semacam,

This is a great example of a big waste of money.
Who needs a new song? Who sings it? Who can even remember all these stupid songs that are launched? Why must there be a launching? Seriously. Why spend the money on something stupid as that?

How about using the money to say, give to the poor and the disabled. To pledge the money during our Nation's 50th Merdeka to the families of those whom have fought for our country and have lost their lives, or to the poor and needy so that they can share in the glories and abundance that Malaysia has acquired since our independence 50 years ago, or to cleaning and sprucing up the cities in Malaysia, or to ask MAS to buck up you damn Airline and your damn delayed flights?!(wait, that doesnt need money, but I just wanted to say it cos MAS is beginning to piss everyone off with their delayed flights)

Malaysian and its useless kempens. Here's a list of kempens I have come across (which must include a Minister and a launching thingy)
[The words may not be officially accurate but the gist is there]

1. Kempen Negara Sihat
2. Kempen Makanan Sihat
3. Kempen Menembak Burung Gagak (helluva exciting thing I tell you...)
4. Kempen Membayar Cukai Taksiran
5. Kempen Membersih Sungai


Anybody interested in joining my kempen untuk memberi duit untuk membaiki sinki dapur saya?


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