Thursday, April 27, 2006

the skinny truth

I have a friend is college who was so obsessed with being skinny, she ate nothing, drank only black coffee and smoked a lot. She had "discovered" that if one were to eat roti canai and down it with coffee, the dough will expand and keep her full the whole day. I wondered whether many women in Malaysia suffer like her.

I myself have to admit the pressure to be slim is always there. We are bombarded with images everyday to tell us to slim down, to diet and how good a celebrity looks with her slimmed down physique.

But how skinny is too skinny?

Is this too skinny?
Not so for the models. They still get hired. They are still sent down the runway with their designerwear.

Recently it was reported that an association in Brazil has decided to stop using models who are too skinny and concentrate on those who are healthy looking in order to send out the message that thin is well, not in.

But will that materialise?

I am afraid it will never happen. What is worrying is that every Malaysian probably knows at least ONE person in their circle of friends or acquiantance who is suffering from being obsessed with their weight.

I didnt know how to help my friend.Of course I can draw the line between being fit and healthy and thin and sickly. But how do you tell a person to identify the problem when they refuse to see it?
I am no longer in contact with that friend now. But I hope she no longer suffers from this obsession.

I really hope that I will not wake up one day and realise that everybody aspires to be like this:

Its scary. And I hope I never get infected.

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