Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Big Ban

Its official.

Spongebob Squarepants, the animated book, has been banned. The reason?
Its inappropriate for Malaysian "culture".
Apparently, if we were to read it, we Malaysians would be influenced to run around with hideous too loose shorts, acting like a sponge(presumably by rolling on the floor when we see a damp spot, to you know, suck up the "dampness") and making sarcastic comments. At least I think that is why it was banned.
But I may be wrong.

Perhaps it is deemed indecent like another book which is banned- How to breast feed your baby.
Can you just imagine the horror of reading that book??Malaysians are SO not ready to READ about breast feeding our babies. Like hello!Anything with the word "breast" in it HAS to be banned. Does it matter that women nowadays breast feed their babies in public areas? I myself have on two occasions witnessed two malay ladies breastfeeding their children (one kid who was old enough to actually RUN around the lrt) in clear view of everyone in the train. And the fact that these two ladies were clad in a tudung and dressed in a baju kurung adds to my, well, amazement and amusement.

Who are these so called Moral Guardians of us Malaysians? I didnt elect them. I didnt appoint them and I sure as hell didnt ask them to be my guardian of morals. In fact I have no idea who the heck they are. Does anybody actually know?

Are these the same people who banned the word "Jesus" from the Killer's latest song? How does that affect our morals? Or is it purely a religious thing? An Islamic country cannot have any mention of another religion in songs, movies and books? After all they banned Passion of the Christ from showing in the cinemas. ANY movie which is not about Islam is prohibited because oh you know, its not appropriate for the Malaysian culture and the dominant religion. And if there is the word hell, that would have to go too. After all we Malaysians are such shallow, stupid and VERY easily influenced bunch of idiots. And apparently the Muslims have it worse because any exposure to any other religions will make them defect from Islam.

And for the Indians, suicide scenes would have to be censored from movies because these people apparently get ideas on how to kill themselves from the movies. And by censoring these "inappropriate" ideas giving scenes, the Indians are suddenly left with no thinking power and no "creative" energy to come up with ways to well, kill themselves. And so that solves the problems of high suicide rates among Indians. I mean, it couldnt possibly be because they are in the lower rank income group and they face tons of social problems. No way. Its the movies.

As for Christians, its the Da Vinci Code. Banning it because its blasphemous. And watching it means you no longer have Jesus in your heart and your thoughts. And ALL you can think about is that Jesus may have descendents. Hmmm.....But of course any movie which is widely thought to speak ill of Cristianity will show in the Malaysian cinemas, of course. What does the dominant religion have to lose?

All these so called moral/religion/social guardians irks me.

Simply because we Malaysians are not a bunch of idiots (some unfortunately are, but I shall not name names) and we do not need someone else to tell us what is good for us and what is not.
We know its not good for usthat the government wants to build another Istana costing RM4m or a sports complex costing RM490M in a foreign country, while increasing the petrol,electricity, water and toll charges and deem it necessary for whatever "economical" reasons. We know that is NOT what we want.

I think it would probbly make more sense to guard the interest of the public and the rakyat than to go around guarding our so called morals and religious inclinations. While other Asian countries are moving forward and being more open, stabilising their economy and increasing their revenue, we in Malaysia are just stagnant. In everything.

Come on people, get with the programme already!

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