Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Just say it lah!very hard meh?

So every damn Government building is falling apart. So the PM is upset. So PWD says it needs RM6 million to have the engineers conduct checks on the buildings. So the Government @ us tax payers will stupidly hand over the money to do something which OUGHT to have been done WHILE the damn buildings were under construction or PRIOR to the approval of the plans to construct the buldings. But being typical Malaysian and also being in the country of perpetual corruption, something went wrong somewhere, and no one is owning up to anything. Its like a broken record. We hear the same stories over and over and over again.

You know what is truly disappointing? The fact that all the PM does is say, "OH I AM SO ANGRY!" "OH, MAKE SURE SOMETHING IS DONE!" "OH, yada yada yada!"

Its like come on already, instead of just talk talk talk, DO something. Tell those who are in charge of the maintenance or the construction to rectify the problem. Tell them to do it for free!Why the heck do we need to pay them anything for something which should (this term means MUST as in MESTI, PERLU..not maybe, uhhmm...perhaps) have already been done? We dont have to be rocket scientists to know that a damn building shouldnt have leaks BEFORE it is used. Or within its first few months of use!

And why cant the money we will be spending to build highways in Pakistan be used instead to improve on our own infrastructure in Malaysia? Like why the heck must we go build highways in a foreign country? Erm, I think they can manage themselves, ok? And frankly, I think we as Malaysians should have been asked first before our money is used on/for someone else?!

As mentioned earlier, all he needed to say was, I WANT MU TO COME HERE! The FAM scurried around and retracted their earlier statement of refusing MU's tour here didnt they?? So why is it SO hard to just say what you want them to do and tell them to do it???? I dont get it. ( This is as perplexing as why KFC refuses to let you have one piece or original chicken and one hot and spicy eventhough they are both the same price. Perplexing!)

Someone commented that all these problems never cropped up during Mahathir's era. While I was only born in the year that Mahathir came into power, I cannot testify as to whether such problems have ever cropped up during his era because I can only remember as far back as 6 years ago and I guess the Parliament didnt spring a leak at that time...but all I can say is, this time, BN has truly disappointed. The landslide victory which came with big promises has been nothing but a farce. Sure, all the civil servants are appeased cos they got their increase. Of course they are told to work harder and be better and make sure they let everyone know they deserve the raise. (this is when I throw my head back and laugh. WORK HARDER is a foreign word to them) [A visit to the Land Office saw most(if not all) officers crowding around the machine at 3.55pm, holding their cards, ready for the clock to strike 4pm and punch out to go home.]

So I digress.

But the point is, many of us are so taken by short term gains. Momentary happiness and fleeting moments of joy. Thats why we are always hoodwinked whenever election time rolls along. All we can think of is, "Oh, they arent that bad, they gave us a raise! *Marks X on BN candidate*


1 comment:

harrylee said...

on KFC
yes, i never knew why KFC does not allow people to mix original and hot & spicy ...

i think there's definitely demand for that! (so much so that i think some won't mind paying a little bit extra for the mix)

on govt servants pay rise
i do think that there should be a pay rise for them (its shamelessly low that they would have trouble supporting their family and secondly low wages and positions of power usually are correlated with corruption).

however, i do think that there is a better way to do this ... what is happening now is that the across the board increase rewards both the hardworking civil servants (i am sure there are some) as well as the minum-kopi-3-times-a-day worker ... the increase should be given in a way that separates the two

else, all the talk about more productivity now that there is a pay rise is a waste of time ..

in any case, this is probably more like an election goodie rather than a well-thought pay restructure