Friday, August 24, 2007

Jesus who?

Ok, so its an established FACT that if you insult Islam, this is what is going to happen:-

1. There will be a story about you in every major newspapers. In fact you will make it to the front pages of every newspaper there is;
2. Our PM will express his disappointment and anger and say something like "we have to act accordingly. Its not right to insult Islam. It will cause racial disharmony. We have to ensure that the Law takes its course."
3. GPMS will call for the death penalty if they could but because they want to seem "moderate" in the thoughts, they call for corporal punishment(or something along those lines);
4. Ministers will overreact and ask for you to be punished for "insulting Islam" and "causing racial disunity";
5. Investigations will be opened to see whether you should be prosecuted to serve as a warning that Islam is supreme and nobody, NOBODY can insult Islam;and
6. You will fall off the face of the earth never to be heard again.

However, if you were to insult Christianity, this is what's going to happen:-

1. You get a small column dedicated to you because some unknown politician made a report about your insensitiveness in insulting Christianity;
2. PM will say (in an even smaller column in the newspaper) "Dont play with religion." and that he is "very disappointed because it was very hurtful and would anger Christians";
3. Nobody else really cares because hey, its not about Islam;
4. You go off scott free because , HEY, ITS NOT ABOUT ISLAM.

So, here its the conclusion. If you insult Islam, you might as well jump of from the Twin Tower's rooftop.(less pain and quicker death than being subjected to stupid comments, irrational calls for prosecution and accusations of causing racial disharmony) but if you insult any other religion, its ok. Nobody really cares cos other religions dont really matter in this country. Da Vinci Code was thought to be insulting Jesus? Oh, Malaysia didnt ban it. Cos it insults Jesus, not Nabi Muhammad. Who cares?!The Government frankly couldnt be bothered. In fact those in the censorship board may be laughing with glee going "TeeHee!Insulting Christianity!Padan muka!"

If you publish pictures of Nabi Muhammad in a bomb shaped turban, your newspapers are BANNED indefinitely! But if you publish a picture of Jesus holding a beer can and a cigarette, well, unless brought to the attention of the Government, they wouldn't even bother. Not Islam mah, who cares? Can cause racial disharmony meh? How?

You see, only insulting Islam is a GRAVE matter which deserves punishment and prosecution. But all other insults of other religions only deserve a "oh, I am so disappointed" or "or they really shouldnt have" or even "yeaka?" followed by inaction.

Yeah you heard it right, INACTION.

So you see, as we approach our 50th year of Independence, the more we should realise that, sadly we're not living harmoniously as we claim in our VISIT MALAYSIA YEAR campaigns. We, non Muslims, are not Malaysians because we're not recognised as fellow countrymen, but its because we were merely born here and therefore the dominant and only important religion and their followers, have no choice but to "tolerate" us. Dont forget, the Muslims "allowed" us Chinese to stay here. So we have to be grateful. We have to be thankful. We cannot make a fuss that they deleted Hang Tuah from History books once they found out he was chinese. We cannot.

We have to be thankful.


harrylee said...

incidentally, latest news update that the tamil newspaper has been suspended for a month

Bitch-on-a-rampage said...

Yeah, only after someone said something and DEMANDED that similar punishment were to be meted out. Not because they cared. Why did it take more that two-three days to respond? Unlike the other newspapers which published Muhammad- took what?less than 24 hours to suspend them? Anyways, the Bishop has asked for the suspension to be lifted for he has heard the explanations and he has forgiven them. Something you will rarely(maybe never) find if it were criticisms of another religion.

Unknown said...

WHOA! They deleted Hang Tuah from the History books???

(As you can tell... history subject... not my strong point)

But of course the gaping hole left in my face thanks to my jaw dropping on the floor is due to:
1) They updated our history books? SERIOUSLY?!?? I thought it was still the same one published in 1970! You know, the same ones we were using in 1997.
2) A beautiful and wonderful country ruled by racist idiots.

kong yoke said...

You forgot to mention the death threats and fatwas issued for capital punishment for those who insult Islam.