"By SEAN YOONG,Associated Press Writer AP - Thursday, April 16
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - A campaign by Malaysia's new prime minister to promote racial harmony received a jolt after a pro-ruling party newspaper Wednesday urged the Malay majority to "rise and unite" against demands by ethnic minorities.
In a front-page article, the Utusan Malaysia daily quoted several Malay politicians and activists as saying Malays should put aside their political differences so that they can jointly resist pressure from the ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities.
"The Malays must rise and unite in facing the demands of other races that are now seen as increasingly excessive," the article's opening paragraph said."
(all emphasis are my own)
UMNO has indeed forgotten that they do not run the country single handedly.
They forget that they campaign and "rule" under the BARISAN NASIONAL COALITION front .
Is it excessive for MIC to feel slighted in their representation in the Cabinet? Is it excessive for the Chinese to be upset that the DPM indicated that they were UNGRATEFUL for ALL that the government has given them?Is it beyond madness for the East Malaysians to feel excluded by us here in the West? Would Malays like it if the Chinese say they were arrogant and selfish? Or if Indians called them power crazy?
What is a coalition?
A coalition roughly translates into AN ALLIANCE.
An ALLIANCE is roughly presumed to mean one needs the other to survive. What was the whole point of asking MIC and MCA to join UMNO and form BN? Possibly to appeal to a larger part of society, to every race and to every religion. Albeit, on the surface it LOOKS as if BN may be protecting the interest of "ethnic minorities" (hereinafter referred to as EM) when in fact the politicians in there who are supposedly representing EM's interest are more gung ho about protecting their own pockets.
Anyway, I digress.
So, what is all this shit about ONE MALAYSIA?
From an excerpt from a press conference, PM Najib explains his version of ONE MALAYSIA:-
"Di bawah konsep Satu Malaysia ini bererti bahawa kita berdiri, kita berfikir dan bertindak sebagai bangsa Malaysia. One People. Dan kita mengambil tindakan-tindakan berdasarkan kehendak semua kumpulan etnik dalam negara kita.
- Ini bukan bererti kita mengenepikan dasar afirmatif, dasar untuk menolong kaum bumiputera asalkan dasar itu dilaksanakan dengan cara yang adil dan memberi pertimbangan kepada golongan bumiputera yang layak mendapat sesuatu pertimbangan daripada kerajaan."
Have you read more BS in your life?Mengambil tindakan-tindakan berdasarkan kehendak SEMUA kumpulan etnik (all actions to be taken based on the needs of ALL ETHNIC groups)BUT tidak mengenepikan dasar afirmatif untuk menolong kaum bumiputera dengan cara adil ( not to put aside the affirmative foundation of helping the bumiputeras as long as it is fair).
How does one take action based on the needs of all ethnic groups IF there is a condition or a exclusionary clause of Bumiputera's taking first place? Or bumiputeras having the AFFIRMATIVE or guaranteed help from the Government as long as it is fair(I would love to know the concept of fair in the Government's books)?
Essentially the PM is saying this, "Look, under ONE MALAYSIA we as the government are saying that we will(try) to listen to all ethnic groups before we take any action BUT please be reminded, essentially, we care more abt the Bumiputeras and hence if it is fair to them (the definition and concept of fair is probably VERY VERY flagrant) their needs and their wants will be put above,before and beyond the rest of you (who probably do not matter)."
(concept of ONE MALAYSIA interpreted solely by me)
Come on, isn't the success of Malaysia a collective effort of all races? How did Malaya emerge from the Occupation? Or free themselves from the Japanese? The Malays did it themselves? The Indians or the Chinese did it themselves?
Enough of this segregation. Enough of this in fighting. It sickens the rakyat to the core to know that while the new PM seems to want a united Malaysia, essentially it is merely a sham. It is a sham when the people working for him spew out gems like "chinese are ungrateful" or that 'the malays should unite against ethnic minorities". And it is a bigger sham and shame when he does nothing to ask them to stop.
It is indeed a big big shame that with a new PM, we expected new beginnings and a new era. We were all hopeful. Grateful even for a change in leadership. But as usual, the higher your expectations, the greater the disappointment.
And today merely marks day 13th of his tenure. And already the shit has hit the fan.
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