Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We do not need to stoop that low.

Have you ever had one lone car on the road terrorizing you to give way to it, so it can zoom pass you, in its 2 litre, brand new flashy tires, big ass sedan or whatchamacallit expensive body works? And then you do give way cos you figured no point trying to outdo his flashy ass car, and it ZOOMS past you and you can see the driver flashing his big grin saying "Yeah baby. check out the ride! Bugger off the road slow mo in sad ass car?"

Then you reach the traffic lights about 30 m ahead and stranded there, waiting for the red light to change, is Mr. Check out my cool ride ? Then you slowly slide up next to his car and then you give him the " still have to wait for the lights huh?"

This is exactly how I feel about the church burning.

When my friend texted me in the morning to tell me there had been some church burning "activities" going on, I was not exactly disturbed. I was not particularly effected or upset. Not because I am not Christian, but because dim witted acts like this was not unheard of here in Malaysia.

Upset with temple relocating, step on cow head. Upset with leaders from opposition, play pretend to pee on the poster. Just to name a few.

So, why was everyone surprised? Let's recap in point form the events.
  • Court ruled Allah can be used by Christians to describe God.
  • Muslims get their panties in a bunch.
  • Muslims call for Government to tell the Court who's boss.
  • Government says sorry, we cannot stop people from protesting in mosques because they are entitled to show their dissastisfaction with the ruling.
  • Some random dim wits go on church burning rampage.
  • Government condems such acts
Now, any idiot will tell you, if the Government tie their own hands behind their backs and say they cannot do anything about planned protests, then they obviously indirectly endorsed the despicable behaviour isnt it?
Well, any idiot can tell you that's obvious. But not the Malaysian Government. Right now I cannot think of anything more degrading than an idiot. So, we'll leave that for next time.

Anyway, I digress. So I am not upset with church burnings only because this merely shows the stupidity of the ones involved. The ignorance, the disrespect, the dim wittedness, the ( just insert any words that equate to stupidity or ignorance) of the church burners. It makes it clearer to the rest of the world that some Malaysians are put simply, dumb asses.

Dumb enough to think, by burning churces, the Herald will say "we will stop using the word Allah."
Dumb enough to think, the rest of the Non Muslims in Malaysia will suddenly sympathise with the Muslim's plight to have Allah for their own exclusive use.
Dumb enough to think the Christians will retaliate and hence ignite the sparks of a racial war.

So here's what I think, let the dumb ones go do what they want. Step on cow heads, piss on posters, throwing home made molotov cocktails at churches.

The rest of us do not have to stoop to their level. We have dignity, grace and intelligence.

Let us just wait at the traffic light grinning to ourselves at the stupid big ass flashy car waiting right next to us.



Anonymous said...

Love this blog.
Happy 2010.

Uncle Jo. said...


the difference is ...
they burn those churches and Christians stay coOL

if others burn their Mosque/Masjid they would rear their ugliest face and to the most crazy things ...*what a shame ... to whom? to GOD lohhh

what kind of breed are they? no wonder others keep looking down on them ... haiz ...
some more say how great their religion goes, if great ahhhh
won't be going around and amok

GOD don't teach ppl to vandal or kill, GOD is love. only DEVIL love killing. Perhaps those were DEVIL's spawns......

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is so stupid. If they want to incite civil unrest then why not burn mosques? This would get everyone in such uproar that we would soon have demonstrations, riots, looting. Did you say looting?! I need a new LCD TV. I'm going to a petrol station. Let me empty this wine bottle first.

Love it.

Bitch-on-a-rampage said...

Anon: Happy new year! Welcome to a new year, but same shit eh?

Alpha: Well, these ppl call themselves Muslims, but they act against the very core of the religion. We can only watch while they destroy themselves with their ignorance.