Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Are you a heretic?

I cannot ask for a better presentation of the words that so many of us want to say but have not had an audience who is worth speaking to, and who will listen to what we have to say. It is typical for the man to ask "ARE YOU A HERETIC?" Because that is always the answer to anyone who does not follow their words and their beliefs.


So the big brouhaha about the use of the word ALLAH. These people who yell and shout about the improper use of the word which they believe is exclusive to Islam and to Muslims who are Malay are uneducated. Like RPK said in his article, China was the first to embrace Islam. Chinese Muslims were way ahead of the Malay Muslims. And in Arab worlds, Allah is used to describe God.

They (being UMNO) ask why not use the word TUHAN? Which in Malay means God, but why should the Herald use TUHAN when ALLAH is the official word for GOD? It says so in the Arabic translation of the Bible. So, now these Malay Muslims are challenging the Arabs and their translation? Or you doubt the authenticity of the language of the Arabs? Who died and made you God of languages?

Even PAS, the party who is forefront in promoting Islam has come out to say that Non-Muslims can use the word Allah.

"KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - The leader of Malaysia's Islamic opposition party says non-Muslims should be allowed to use the word "Allah" to refer to God, questioning a government ban that has been criticized by Christians as a blow to freedom of religion.

Nik Aziz Nik Mat, the influential spiritual leader of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, said that a verse in the Quran in which non-Muslims of Mecca call their God "Allah" supported his point."

Seriously, I do not understand the logic behind the ban on the use of the word "Allah". Apparently it will CONFUSE MUSLIMS. Hmm, lets say one day someone prints something and calls Buddha, say, LORD VISHNU. I will not suddenly have convulsions and break into cold sweat that the God, or the religion that I have grown up with or I have chosen to follow suddenly has a change of name and may actually be tied to Hinduism (though it is but that is another story altogether) and hence I will no longer understand what the heck Buddhism is all about and be blindly following Hinduism. Is that the type of confusion every one is talking about? Because I seriously do not know what other confusions there may be.

Why are Malay Muslims(mostly UMNO and some lost PAS and PKR ones) always so petrified of this so called dilution of their religion? One would think if you are strong enough in your belief, people can spit in your face and call you what ever names they can think of,and you will smile and say what you always LOVE to say when faced with damning evidence contrary to what you allege to be, which is "Only God can judge me".

So if you believe that Only God can judge you, then why force others to bend the way that you insist they do? Let God judge the others. Let God decide on who the so called heretics are because punishment in this earthly world is nothing if you go by the book of your religion, only judgment after death is what we should all be afraid of. This world that we are living in now, is merely temporary. Where we all strive to be the best that we can. And if others do not see what you see, or believe what you believe, Let GOD JUDGE THEM.

Do not place yourself in the shoes of someone you are not worthy to be and judge others.

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