Let me repeat that in case you missed it.
A CHINESE man died.
To me, it did not really matter that he was CHINESE, to me it mattered that a fellow Malaysian had died. While in the custody of the MACC- a commission which objective is to stamp out corruption.
To my mind, I asked a million questions but none of those involved Teoh's race because it never, NEVER occurred to me that this was a Malay vs. Non-Malay battle.
To me, Teoh, regardless of his race/ religion/ political affiliations, is first and foremost, a person.
He is also a son. A husband to be. A father to be. A brother. And a friend.
He was never to me a PKR Chinese man.
And I abhor how everybody has seen his death from a racial/political view. Everyone, BN and PKR included has seen it fit to politicise the matter. the DPM has found it appropriate to remind BN component parties not to be shaken by this matter and to remain united.
PKR has seen it fit to yell BN's control of all government agencies are directed against the opposition and that we should all rise to fight this evil power.
I say, please. Pause.
I do not think it matters to Teoh's parents/ fiancee/family that his death was or was not because he was a chinese or a PKR supporter. To them, it matters that he is now dead. Many send condolence messages to his family, but it all comes with "we must rise against the evil powers of the ruling parties" or "MACC is evil". Even those who attended the funeral found it fit to wrap themselves in banners and poster and flood the whole procession with calls for "a Commission" and whatnot.
Are you there to mourn his death? Or are you there to rally for support for the party you are affiliated to?
TO many of us, we mourn his death. From a person to another.
Not as BN/UMNO/PKR/DAP/Gerakan/PAS 's supporters.
I don't know about you, but when I said a prayer for Teoh, I sure did not say "I hope the powers to be will suffer from this death and cause their downfall in the next election."
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