Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Answer to Tun M part 2

In Tun M's 18th and 19th concluding paragraphs of his oh-so-exciting article, he says this:-

18. Dengan rencana ini saya tetap akan di cap sebagai racist oleh racist bukan Melayu. Tetapi kalau mereka sanggup menerima yang benar, mereka boleh banding korban orang Melayu pemilik asal negara ini dengan korban mereka untuk kepentingan negara ini.
(many racist Non Malays will label me racist because of this article. However if they can accept the truth, they can compare the sacrifice of the Malays, the original owners/citizens of this country with their own sacrifices for the good of this country)

19. Saya berpendapat jika negara ini hendak aman dan maju, agihan kekayaan dan kualiti hidup semua kaum hendaklah adil (fair) walaupun tidak sama (unequal). Janganlah hendaknya mana-mana pihak atau kaum tanggung beban kemiskinan yang keterlaluan, sementara kaum lain hidup mewah. Mengumpan sokongan dengan mengambil hak satu kaum untuk diberi kepada kaum lain bukanlah caranya - lebih-lebih lagi mengambil dari yang kurang berada untuk diberi kepada yang sudah lebih berada.
( It is my opinion that in order for this country to be peaceful and successful, the wealth and quality of life between the races have to divided fairly but unequally. There should not be any party or race which will bear extreme poverty, while other races are rich. Taking the rights of one race to be given to another is not the way- what more if it is taking from the poor and giving to the rich)

Now, time and again Non Malays have been reminded that we are merely immigrants in this country. Time and again we are reminded that the original citizens of this country have been kind enough to ALLOW us to stay. Time and again, we have been told to stop asking for the right to be Malaysian and expect fair treatment from the Government because the Malays have sacrificed so much to let us stay here.

If only all us Non Malays would pack up and leave. Then the Malays will have no issue in this country because then it would be fair play as they will all be given equal opportunities and will obtain the same aid from the Government.

Before I go any further, let me list down the top richest men in Malaysia:-
  1. Robert Kuok USD 10 billion, 84.
    Kuok Group, Pacific Carriers Ltd, Transmile Group, Wilmar International
  2. Ananda Krishnan USD 7.2 billion, 70.
    Maxis Comminications, Aircel Ltd, Astro All Asia Networks
  3. Lee Shin Cheng USD 5.5 billion, 69.
    IOI Group
  4. Teh Hong Piow USD 3.5 billion, 78.
    Public Bank
  5. Lee Kim Hua & family USD 3.4 billion, 79.
    Genting Group
  6. Quek Leng Chan USD 2.4 billion, 67.
    Hong Leong Group, Guoco Group, Rank Group
  7. Yeoh Tiong Lay and family USD 2.1 billion, 78.
    YTL Corporation
  8. Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary USD 1.8 billion, 56.
    Malaysia Mining Corporation (MMC), Malaysia Johor Port, Malakoff, Gas Malaysia
  9. Vincent Tan USD 1.3 billion, 56.
    Berjaya Group
  10. Tiong Hiew King USD 1.1 billion, 78.
    Rimbunan Hijau Group, Tri-M Technologies
  11. Azman Hashim USD 700 million, 68.
    AMCorp Group, Ambank
  12. William H. J. Cheng USD 660 million, 65.
    Lion Group
  13. Lee Swee Eng USD 495 million, 52.
    KNM Group
  14. Ong Beng Seng USD 470 million, 63.
    Hotel Properties Ltd, Natsteel
  15. Lim Kok Thay USD 345 million, 56.
    Genting Group, Star Cruises. Alliance Global
  16. Vinod Sekhar USD 320 million, 40.
    Petra Group, Green Rubber Global
  17. Lee Oi Hian USD 300 million, 57.
    Kuala Lumpur Kepong, Crabtree & Evelyn
  18. Yaw Teck Seng USD 295 million, 70.
    Samling Group
  19. Anthony Fernandes USD 290 million, 44.
    AirAsia, Tune Hotel, AirAsia X
  20. Mokhzani Mahathir USD 285 million, 47.
Tun M is right. The rich in Malaysia are Non Malays. And these rich ones are contributing to the country's wealth through their taxes. So technically, by giving aid to Malays and Malays alone, that would be indirectly doing the very thing Tun M said not to do- to take from one race and to give to another. But that is another story for another forum.

But how did these people become rich? They worked hard. Simple as that. Robert Kuok started off as an office boy. Lee Sin Cheng started off helping his father in their own small chinese food shop and to support his family he sold ice cream for four years while he was in his teens. As for Lim Goh Tong (who has since passed away and is now replaced on the list by his wife) he worked as a carpenter and survived the Japanese invasion of Malaya while working as a vegetable farmer. That is but three of the many stories of these rich successful men. Clearly from these stories, it is matter of perseverance and hard work that has brought these men wealth and success.

And what about the three lone Malays in this top 20 list? One of them is Tun M's own son. Obviously this man did not grow up with hardship, his father might have, but not him.
What about the other two men? Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar grew up poor. He helped his family in the cow breeding business. As for Azman Hashim? He did not grow up with a lot, his father was a disciplinarian and his mother was a headmistress. He grew up with strict discipline, which had obviously served him well in his life.

Now, despite what Tun M has said about the Malays, these two Malay men have somehow defied the odds. They were not given any handouts. They were not told that it was their birth right to have the Government hold their hands and lead them to wealth and success. These two men worked hard for their wealth.

So the striking similarities between the Malays and Non Malays? It is a matter of working hard and perseverance. Nothing to do with their race. So its utter rubbish for Tun M to say give a Malay MYR1m and he would not know what to do with it. He would know what to do with it, if only he had been given the opportunity to actually have to THINK of being competitive. Think of being an entrepeneur. Instead, the Government has instilled in him the idea that he needn't had to work so hard. It is already his birth right to be given all that he needs.

You want land to farm? Felda will give you land. Let the Non Malays work their arses off to buy land. You want money to start businesses? Let the Government give out Bumiputra loans, let the Non Malays save their money from their measly wages and start their businesses. You want to open up a restaurant overseas? Let us the Government give you grants to do so, let the Non Malays work their way up from dish washer to cleaner to a managerial position and lastly restaurant owner. You want to go to universities? Let the Government create a quota and let you in despite your bad results, let the Non Malays study hard and fight for one of the few places. You want a scholarship to go overseas to study? Here let me give 100 to the Malays, and let 2 of the Non Malays fight for the last two places and as for the rest, let them get disheartened and work somewhere else. Less Non Malays in Malaysia, better for us! You want to buy a house? Let us make it cheaper for you while the Non Malays pay full price.

The Government has patted itself on its head and said "Good Job!" in maintaining the necessary Malay quota and the necessary Malay wealth. But you know what all that it has done in this mission?

They've killed the Malay competitiveness.

And once you're no longer competitive, you perish.

"If you're soft and fuzzy, like our little characters, you become the skinny kid on the beach, and people in this business don't mind kicking sand in your face."
- Michael Eisner, Walt Disney.

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