But I do not see how this course is not aimed at condemning the opposition and asking for the civil servants to have blind loyalty to the current government. Clearly the "misi" (mission) of the BTN is "BTN berdedikasi melaksanakan program-program memupuk semangat patriotisme dan ketaatan kepada kerajaan yang dipilih."
(roughly translated it means BTN is dedicated to establishing programmes to encourage patriotism and loyalty to the elected government)
And it's vision is "Menjadi sebuah organisasi awam yang unggul dalam memupuk semangat patriotisme serta menjadikan rakyat setia kepada Kerajaan."
(BTN's vision is to be the ideal public organisation in instilling the spirit of patriotism and to ensure the citizens are loyal to the Government)
Clearly, when the BTN was set up, March 2008 had yet to happen. Hence the opposition were merely background noise, and did not play any part in State Government. (Obviously Kelantan could not even be bothered to send anybody for the BTN course) When March 2008 happened and Selangor (and now demised Perak) was taken over by the Opposition, the BTN course instantly fell foul of "intergrating the nation". Because the opposition is clearly not the ELECTED GOVERNMENT per se. But they are merely the elected Government of Selangor, Perak and Kelantan. So, logically speaking, the Selangor Government is right. By sending their civil servants there to be indoctrinated with loyalty to BN, it clearly is a condemnation of the Opposition.
Isn't it? It sounds about right to me.
What a lot of people had also noticed was the fact that these courses were also very very racist.
Today the headline screamed that the civics course will undergo a revamp. Nazri (Minister in the PM's Deaprtment) says " the Curriculum must match 1Malaysia concept and be inclusive of all races."
I wonder. What have they been teaching all these while? If it is undergoing a revamp only NOW, does that not mean all these while the modules did not include all races? Apparently yes. Mr. Nazri himself says " You have the BTN courses for students mostly from one racial group..."
A survey at the website will show that this course never took into consideration other races in the first place.
Does it not make you wonder where all your tax monies go? Well I am guessing a chunk of it goes to these programmes, the other chunk of it goes to running the rubbish course called the National Service. And if Selangor had not blown the cover of the BTN, nothing would have been done. What rubbish is it to say "we are revamping to be more in line with 1Malaysia?" So the PM comes up with a moniker 1Malaysia and everyone thinks is the best thing since sliced bread.
1Malaysia is NOT NEW. 1Malaysia is supposed to exist since 31st Augusy 1957. 1 Malaysia is but a reiteration of what every right thinking citizen want in their lives. We are ENTITLED to have racial intergration and our rights as citizens of MALAYSIA, to live the way we want, to practise the religion we choose, to elect the government we believe in and to condemn the politics we abhor. It is OUR RIGHT. It's not something that you have graciously given to us when the new PM so cleverly coined "1Malaysia."
So please. Spare us the Bullshit.
Why so much uproar over 1Malaysia? Where's your sense of humor? The gov't merely wants to entertain and You can never have too much of a good thing. Just like sex, no?
love this blog.
If I were any less angry, then I'd be writing about my pretty sunglasses, and the food I ate last week, the day before and just this morning and oh!how I should tie my hair into a pretty bow...
Thanks for the love~!
Well we could talk about your pretty bow but perhaps in a more private forum? Do you need another outlet for that anger? I have some ideas
Love the blog
Out of this blog, I am actually a normal, just angry enough, person. ;)
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