Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stupidity list (in no particular order)

Ever stared at the newspapers and thought to yourself, Good God, the STUPIDITY!
I certainly have.
And for 2009, here is my top ten list.

1. A lady poisons herself. AND her children by lacing her drinks with weedkiller. The reason? Oh, it's because her brother was shot dead by the police. Her brother who was one of the five suspected robbers the police had a shoot out with. So, because she was overcome by grief, she decided to take not only her life, but those of her children too.

2. Welfare homes who take in young children and infants have been found to convert children as young as 7 years old, to Islam. Children who are too young to even understand cartoons in full, but have been placed with the understanding of Islam on their young shoulders. But wait, what does the government say? It says, go to the Syariah Court and ask them to declare that you're not Muslim. And yes, welfare homes are ENCOURAGED to teach children about Islam and its virtues. *mumble convert children acceptable mumble*.

3. You get SO fat, your 11 year old daughter has to drop out of school to take care of you. And then the army rebuilds your dilapidated home and the government gives you a doctor to check on your help and even gets you a nutritionist! So basically, she ballooned from 110kg to 170kgs because she took some "jamu" pills for the pain in her knees (yes, being 100kgs will be quite a lot of weight for your poor knees to carry). So she gets aid from Penang UMNO's Public Complaints and Welfare Secretariat. She allows herself to get that big. She allows her child to drop out of school to take care of her. She does nothing to lose the weight, but she gets aid for being too lazy to do something about her weight and her life.

4. The power company has such frequent outages, a man raps his dissastisfaction on video. Instead of TNB making a decision to buck up in their services, the Government says investigations would be carried out on the lyrics to see if action should be taken under the Penal Code. Why? Because Information, Communications, Cul­ture and Arts Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said “We cannot allow acts that insult which could lead to disharmony,” he told reporters yesterday.". No siree. Stepping on cow heads is A-ok and endorsed by all parties. But insulting TNB for bad service? No-uh. Disharmony. Definitely.

5. A woman falls to her death from a condo unit in Penang. Police say "Based on the deceased’s brown-coloured pupil and skin colour, we believed she could be from either East Europe like Ukraine or the Middle East."
Please do not doubt the fantastic police force in Malaysia and their initial investigations based on the body they found and the conclusions from their vast experience in homicide/suicide/death investigations.
The woman looks like this:-

Hmmm...East Europe?

To be continued....

1 comment:

Uncle Jo. said...

so nice ... enjoyed reading your post. so relieved at least not only me who ketuk d G-Force.

once awhile i would ketuk d G-Force along with some photos to proves their stupidity pork brain. kakaka
