Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Sejak bila saya bukan orang Malaysia?

I have come across many sites in which racism flourish and is encouraged. One such site is where the articles and comments have racism running riot and is in fact encouraged.

I think this post has to be written in (my passable) BM to answer to all these racism.

Ingatkah anda apabila pengetua sekolah di Kedah dan Johor Bahru menyuruh budak sekolah berbangsa Cina untuk balik ke Cina ? Dan juga menyatakan bahawa Malaysia ini kepunyaan bangsa Melayu dan orang Cina dan India hanya merupakan PENDATANG- seperti sekiranya Muthu dan Chong menaiki kereta Proton kepunyaan Ahmad, ianya tidak bermaksud Chong dan Muthu memiliki atau berhak memiliki kereta tersebut?


Saya tidak hairan ataupun terkejut sekiranya anda tidak ingat langsung kepada perkara ini. Memang tidak hairan kerajaan Malaysia memandang remeh kepada perkara ini. Tiada tindakan yang diambil terhadap pengetua tersebut. Yang pasti adalah sekiranya didapati mereka telah dibuktikan bersifat perkauman, mereka akan ditukar ke sekolah lain (dan dibenarkan sifat perkauman tersebut untuk terus berterusan).

Sekiranya anda berbangsa Cina ataupun berbangsa bukan Melayu, tidak hairan sama sekali apabila anda mengeluarkan video youtube yang mengejek ataupun menghina perbuatan pengetua-pengetua tersebut, akan melihat polis menyiasat anda dibawah Sedition Act.

Apakah lojik sebenarnya? Lojik ianya ialah konsep 1Malaysia Perdana Menteri adalah konsep yang memang tidak akan berjaya. Konsep yang sebenarnya hanya untuk menipu rakyat Malaysia untuk mendapatkan undian semasa pilihan raya umum. Konsep apakah yang membenarkan rakyat Malaysia menghasut sesama sendiri? Konsep 1Malaysia apakah yang membenarkan penghinaan kaum minoriti dan mencaci penghinaan kaum majoriti?

Bangsa-bangsa lain di Malaysia tidak lupa lagi kepada penduduk Shah Alam yang memijak kepala kerbau apabila cadangan untuk membina kuil Hindu di Shah Alam telah dibentangkan. Dan juga gereja-gereja yang dibakarkan semasa isu penggunaan perkataan "Allah" hangat dibincangkan. Bangsa lain juga tidak lupa ahli politik yang memijak muka menteri menteri Cina dan melakukan perbuatan kencing ke atas poster yang memaparkan muka menteri Cina. Kita juga peka kepada sokongan kerajaan Malaysia kepada PERKASA yang selang hari akan menghina kaum-kaum bukan Melayu.

Adakah bangsa-bangsa lain, yang juga warganegara Malaysia, tidak berhak untuk bersuara? Adakah Malaysia ini dibina atas usaha orang Melayu saja? Tiada sumbangan langsung dari bangsa bangsa lain?

Bangsa-bangsa lain di Malaysia bukanya tidak menghargai usaha usaha orang Melayu. Ataupun tidak menghormati pengorbanan orang Melayu. Tetapi ianya adalah sedih dan menjijikan bahawa Malaysia, setelah mencapai kemerdekaan untuk 53 tahun, masih menganggap bangsa-bangsa lain sebagai Pendatang. Bagaimanakah Malaysia mencapai kemerdekaan tersebut? Adakah ianya hanya usaha kaum Melayu? Dimana kaum-kaum lain hanya datang menetap di Malaysia selepas ianya mencapai kemerdekaan? Sudah pasti tidak. Kami sehati dan sejiwa telah menentang penjajah dan komunis.

Tetapi adakah usaha-usaha kaum lain dihargai? Sedihnya, tidak. Sedihnya, orang Melayu memang mudah lupa. Lupa bahawa sekiranya anda ingin dihormati, anda mesti menghormati dulu. Sekiranya anda ingin kaum lain untuk menghormati Islam dan budaya kaum Melayu, anda perlu menghormati budaya dan agama lain juga.

Contohnya: Sekiranya Teo Nie Ching tidak memahami bahawa anda perlu berpakaian kemas dan bertudung untuk masuk ke kawasan sesebuah Masjid, dia memang patut dikritik untuk kelakuannya yang tidak menghormati agama Islam. Beliau memang tidak boleh mempertahankan kelakuannya. Sememangnya ahli politik DAP tidak boleh mempertahankan Nie Ching disebabkan perbuatan beliau memang tidak boleh diterima, apa yang beliau boleh melakukan, hanya untuk meminta maaf dan tidak mengulangi kesalahan tersebut.

Tapi sekiranya dua wartawan Melayu masuk ke gereja dan menyertai upacara agama yang sedang berlangsung, dan mengejek dan juga menghina upacara itu di dalam suratkhabar, ianya adalah tidak boleh diterima. Adakah mereka patut dikenakan untuk perbuatan mereka yang langsung tidak menghormati agama lain? Ya. Adakah kedua wartawan tersebut dikritik kaum Melayu? Tidak.

Itulah kes double standard yang wujud di Malaysia.

Kaum-kaum lain sudah letih berjuang dalam satu peperangan yang tidak mendatangkan manfaat kepada sesiapa. Letih untuk berjuang untuk diterima sebagai warganegara Malaysia walaupun lahir dan dibesarkan di sini. Letih kerana acapkali diberitahu bahawa kami pendatang.

Sudah pasti satu hari warga Malaysia hanya akan terdiri dari kaum Melayu yang bersifat perkauman, yang mementingkan diri dan berego besar. Kaum-kaum lain akan "balik ke negara asal" ataupun pergi ke negara lain yang bukan tanahair mereka, untuk bekerja dan menyumbang kepada kemajuan negara tersebut.

"Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran? Bila di jiwa kita masih lagi muda dan mentah.
-Hijau, Zainal Abidin.

Friday, September 03, 2010

This is how you strangle yourself..

If you, like me, are unaware of how one can strangle himself, you have to watch our superhero MACC prosecutor in action to learn the ways to do it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

For the love of God, let the trial begin!

Day after day, I sit in the court, and I witness the DPPs (Deputy Public Prosecutors) acting like fools.

They turn to the watching brief counsels when the Judge asks "when can we set the next date?" or "shall we continue this on a later date?"

The DPP may nod his head but the W/BC shakes his,and he quips "oh tidak boleh Tuan." and he will look over to the W/BC to search for answers to justify why he has objected to a postponement and the W/BC whispers the answer to him which he dutifully repeats to the court.

Are the DPP fools? How can you allow the watching brief counsel (for the complainant) to coach you ? or to direct your case? Or to feed you questions to ask the witnesses?

Just this morning, we walked into court and we see the watching brief counsels preparing a Q & A for the DPP. A Q& A. Whatever happened to independence? Whatever happened to conducting your case because the evidence shows that the Accused may be guilty? Whatever happened to having a brain?!

How can you firstly allow that to happen, and secondly be SEEN to allow that to happen?

This brings me to the issue of Saiful and Farah's alleged affair.

Why should this come as a surprise to all of us? There has never been independence in the judiciary or the AG's chambers. Witnesses are coached all the time. The prosecutors sit them down and tell them what to say. Sure, many may deny it. But we see with our own eyes when they let witnesses and/or the lawyers representing them direct the DPP as to when how and what should be done.

And what type of a explanation is that she is merely assisting the team and has no access to the documents or the information pertaining to the prosecution of Anwar? Unless Ms. Farah goes into meetings or the court with both her eyes AND ears closed, I do not know how she isn't privy to the information that is discussed in the matter. OF course the whole damn prosecution is compromised.

Let me just say, a compromised team of prosecutors who refuse to step down merely goes to show that this trial is a charade. And they cannot change all the stars in the show at the last minute. Who will have time to read the scripts for when the camera rolls?

Still, attacking a man's private life - as to the registration of his marriage- is hitting below the belt. I don't know about the rest of you, but whether Mr. Hanafiah wants to have his marriage recognised in Kota Bharu or not, does not reflect the type of DPP that he is. Or that he is incompetent. I have personally seen him in action in court and he is anything but incompetent.

Frankly, all this side show that Karpal has choreographed is making me dizzy. I think he may have lost the plot. It may now be all about the fireworks and the drama and making headlines and less about fighting the case. Asking Farah and Saiful to testify to their affair? What? What type of request is that? What do we intend to solicit from Farah and Saiful? You think they will go into the witness box and say yes, we had an affair and I fed information to Saiful? Who is on trial here? Anwar Ibrahim. And the trial has barely started.

What Karpal will have to do, is to let the trial start. Let the prosecution present its evidence and remind the court at every opportunity that due to the alleged possibility of tampering of evidence caused by the alleged affair, the evidence before the court may not be true. And not much weight should be placed on it. Unless the court is satisfied that there is NO affair (in which case the dropping of Farah from the team will not be justified) and that the evidence is safe to be accepted.

I'm so sick of all the slides shows that are going on with the trial. If I were the High Court Judge, I will be sick of all the rubbish attempts to postpone the proceedings. Either way, you think the AG is going to withdraw the charge? If indeed there has been alleged "fabrication" of evidence by the prosecution, you think they are going to stop because of the slide show? You think anything will change if you keep poking holes in it? Sure, eventually it may burst and the truth may come out.

But let the court be the judge.

Let the process of law take place.

We may not have the greatest respect for the independence of the judiciary in this country, but we have no choice but to submit to it.

And we do our damned best when we are before the court. Any other slide show just makes them look like fools. And then what separates them from the prosecutor and their lead witness then?

Monday, August 02, 2010

They think we are stupid.

Did you read the papers today?

Our dear DPM Muhyiddin said "no one should try to undermine the country’s foundation by questioning the place of any race." and he ]also said "let us strengthen the country’s foundation by upholding mutual understanding among the different racial and religious groups."

Perhaps our dear DPM has forgotten that on the 12th September 2008, the Registrar of Societies registered PERKASA.

And in Article 4 of PERKASA's charter :

• Memperkasakan Islam sebagai agama persekutuan
• Memperkasakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan
• Memperkasakan kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu
• Mempertahankan hak-hak keistimewaan orang Melayu
• Memperkasakan kaum pribumi
• Menyatupadukan kaum pribumi dan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia
• Mempertahankan kedaulatan Negara.

And as part of their activities to uphold Article 4 of their charter, they held a protest (with 300 Malay participants) against the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Penang. They accused the government of being racist when it demolished illegal hawker stalls. Protesters burned an effigy of Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

And they also have great ideas on how the federal scholarships should be awarded in this country.
“The Malay population of this country is 67 per cent. That means 67 per cent of scholarships should be set aside for deserving Malays and Bumiputeras.”

It's nothing to do with merit among races. They should be set aside to Malays and Bumiputeras because they are a majority.

And when BN lost in Sibu (and a majority of them voted against BN in Hulu Selangor) Perkasa wanted the Government to review financial aid and development projects to Chinese.
Because the Chinese were ungrateful for what the PM had given them.

And the DPM tells us, everyone is entitled to establish PERKASA. They are entitled to speak their minds.

And the PM goes around with a 1Malaysia for all. 1Malaysia 1Malaysia 1Malaysia.

But PERKASA still remains active. PERKASA still remains loud and aggressive. They remain untouched and unreprimanded.


Because PERKASA is every racist Malay's inner voice. If they abolish it, who would speak their real thoughts on Malay rights? As someone in power, I have to say 1Malaysia and Malaysia for all races! When in their hearts, they think OH I *heart* PERKASA. or
"My thoughts exactly those scum of a Chinese/Indian/ Lain-lain."

Because indeed if they really feel that PERKASA threatens national unity, they would have deregistered it. They would have abolished it. They would arrest its President under their favourite Act the ISA and lock him up. (even those who have a peaceful candlelight vigil to protest against ISA get hauled up too)

RPK says Najib may have links to Atlantuya they swiftly charge him in court for Sedition. But Malays step on cow heads and protest against the relocation of an Indian temple, they only get a slap on the wrist with a fine.


It gets a pat on it's back for a job well done. It roams free with its racism. It floats through the media with its racism.

And yet our PM and his people sit in their big offices in Putrajaya and tells us the rakyat of his 1Malaysia concept.

Ever heard of such big bullshit in your life?

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Israeli dilemma.

With all these ANTI-ISRAEL sentiments going on in Malaysia, I found it hard to express my thoughts on the issue without being bombarded with hate. Hence, this would be my exact sentiments from RPK himself.

Click here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Anwar Ibrahim - Multitasker cum multifaceted extraodinaire.

I love the music. Very kan cheong .

Because after all, all UMNO politicians are saints. That damned Zaid Ibrahim had alcohol? For shame! None of the UMNO politicians do that. What do you mean some pictures of some Minister's children having alcohol made it to gutteruncensored ? What do you mean there was a naked picture of a Minister with a woman who is not his wife? Blasphemy! Those are lies!

Defending the right of another individual to choose her religion is unforgivable. Who needs these type of politicians?

We need a straight laced, non dancing, non singing, pure Muslim who only supports Islam and Malays. (Because the rest of us Malaysians do not have any right in this so called democratic, constitutional country called Malaysia.)

Yes indeed. To those who do not agree, kindly get on the next plane out and find yourself another country to live in.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fuel subsidy cut...again.

Remember a year or two ago, the Government increased the petrol prices aka cut the fuel subsidy, and told us the monies saved would be used for development of the public transport sector?
Remember how we were told that it is necessary because only the Malaysian government subsidizes such a large amount of fuel for Malaysians and hence fuel is so cheap in Malaysia whereas the rest of the world have to pay through their noses for it?

And remember when we woke up this morning, the public transport in Malaysia is STILL SHIT?

So I don't know about you, but all I hear from the Government is "BLA BLA BLA..."

Once again, they are back with the subsidy cuts to "BOOST ECONOMY".

The Star reported today that AMResearch senior economist Manokaran Mottain said " money saved could be diverted to fund development projects, which would have a multiplier effect around the country."

So the question is, what FUND DEVELOPMENT projects are we talking about? Logically, one would think that whatever monies saved from cutting subsidies would be use to, just to name a few:-

i) improve the shitty public transport system; AND
ii) improve the road conditions around the country (so we don't have to sit in a damned jam every damned day.)

Right? Sounds logical to you?

But I don't see any of that from the first subsidy cut and I don't think we will see any from the second proposed cut.

So all this proposed saving of the government monies leaves me wondering why the country is in perpetual "debt."

We get taxed to the max of each and every penny of our income. And yet, the Government doesn't have enough money.

Perhaps the problem is not the subsidy. Perhaps the problems is this :-

Like how the splashed money around in Hulu Selangor and in Sarawak. Vote for BN, we can help! *cue big grin* here's a MYR4milion cheque for you! Let's build some drains, let's fix the road, let's give those sad little chinese schools some development.

Remember when Khir Toyo was found to have brought his whole family + maid to Disneyland? I wondered who paid for that. Ever seen a MP driving a Kancil? Possibly not, let's spend shit loads of money buying them luxury cars! And let's give them big fat allowances to go for an overseas holiday each year!

Rombongan sambil belajar to learn how to have a better sewerage system? Check. Rombongan sambil belajar to do jackshit overseas? Check. And if the DPM or the PM or whatever MP is going somewhere for an "official" visit, we sure hope his wife, his wife's sister, his sister, his sister in law, his neighbour, his maid, his 4 children and their maids, his chauffeur and his cook and etc, don't have to go along.

I have already mentioned all the other reasons time and again (here and here AND here)

Any changes? Monies are still being thrown around for useless useless things.


How about you quit pulling wool over our eyes?

How about, you actually spend money on the rakyat on things that actually BENEFIT us?

How about, YOU POLITICIANS running the country take a big pay cut, switch to Kancils, quit buying your wives luxury items, or having your children be educated overseas or in international schools, or have big ass mansions, and attend glitzy parties?


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Aminulrasyid's parents failed us. Not the PDRM.

How has the PDRM failed us citizens of Malaysia?

Every day we hear cries of the PDRM falling below the standards of what is expected of them in terms of curbing crimes and keeping the streets safe. When you hear of a snatch theft whereby a victim dies in the process, we yell "Oh, the police are useless!" or if you know of a house which has been burgled you sigh "Oh what can you do? The police are no use anyway."

Yet, in the wee hours of the 26th of April 2010, an individual driving a vehicle and speeding away from the police, who continued driving even with ALL tyres punctured by bullets, and continued to resist arrest, was shot dead (whether on purpose or not) and the citizens yell "OH MY! THE PDRM SHOULD BE ASHAMED THAT THEY KILLED AN INNOCENT 15 YEAR OLD BOY!"

But suppose you take the age out of the equation, what if this individual, was indeed a robber? Or a hardcore criminal? What if this man had indeed just robbed a bank and was trying to flee the hands of the law? Would it make a difference to this scenario? Do we the citizens pat the police on their backs and say "good job!".

Has anyone asked the mother to this 15 year boy what she was thinking when she allowed her son to drive a car without a license? Has anyone questioned her parenting skills? How do you allow your son to 1) go out at midnight when the next day is a school day AND 2) drive a car without so much as driving skills and without a license to boot? What responsibility is she assuming for this "tragedy" ? If anybody has FAILED Aminulrasyid, its his MOTHER.

His mother who had not been vigilant in keeping her son safe at home and not out on a joyride with some friends. His mother who has to date, only taken pictures of young innocent doe eyed Aminuralsyid to gain sympathy from the public of how her poor son, who wanted to be an Angkasawan, is now dead due to the negligence and over zealousness of the police.

Sorry Ma'am. I am not falling for it. You failed your son. Not the PDRM. They did what they were trained to do.

They saw a car speeding away, the try to flag it down. It continues speeding. They try to flag it down again. It continues, and the police on hot pursuit, try to stop the vehicle by puncturing its tyres, but does it stop Aminulrasyid? No. He continues because "he wanted to go home."

And what does his sidekick Azamuddin Omar has to say about this whole saga? He just "wanted to go home" and he was "afraid that he would be reprimanded for going on a joyride."

15 year old aspiring Angkasawan, weighs the options in his head, RESIST ARREST AND FLEEING FROM POLICE vs REPRIMAND FROM FAMILY.

He chose the former.

Sorry bad choice. Unfortunately, he paid for that bad choice.

How is the police to know that a 15 year old boy was behind the wheel they were in hot pursuit of? How were they to assess that this was merely a boy out on a joyride who was petrified of being reprimanded by his family?

And what type of friend does this 15 year old have? One who claims his friend DIED IN HIS LAP, but then runs away (not before being "assaulted by police" - somebody has obviously not learnt the word ARREST under the CPC) from the scene, leaving his dead friend in the car, does NOT make a police report, NOR inform his policeman father of what happened, but goes home, silently and tries to forget the whole incident?

And, only comes forward to make a police report after watching the EVENING NEWS (rough calculation would be 15-16 hours after his friend was shot dead) accusing him of being a "robber".


If I see my friend being shot dead and dies in my lap, I will be much too traumatised to RUN AWAY from the scene and keep quiet about it! Unless I have indeed something to hide. Spare us the tears and sombreness. Spare us the drama.

Aminulrasyid and Azamuddin's parents failed them. They failed to educate these youths. They failed to teach them right from wrong. The failed their duties as parents to these two boys. And unfortunately, their failure took center stage on 26th of April 2010 where one of these boys died.

Take that responsibility. Do not shift the blame to the police. They were doing their jobs and I applaud them for it.

You, Norsiah Mohamad. You failed your son. Now you have to live with the consequences.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Damn ungrateful Chinese immigrant bastards!

For years and years and YEARS, the Malay community have been the leaders, the government, the civil servants, the rich and the ones in power.

They demanded the "positive discrimination" which they termed were their birth right, because you know, the Chinese are IMMIGRANTS (apparently some Malay man must have traced his roots back to the first man to step on the soil of Malaysia or founded Malaysia or after the dinosaurs were destroyed by the asteroid, this one Malay man was born and out of his ribs, was made a Malay woman. Wait, that story belongs to the Bible. But anyway, just adjust the story according to the religion, and the result is that the Malay race was born and conquered and somewhere in between their ultimate greatness and power, they allowed one Chinese fella, to come take refuge in the land which rightfully, belonged to the Malays.)

And this damned Chinese must have bred like bunnies and created this whole race of Chinese who lived here for so long, and made so much money, and now, God Forbid, they are trying to take over the country in the next general election? (Dr Zubir Harun, director of Perkasa’ economic bureau said it himself.)

Now this damned Chinese who have no right to be in Malaysia in the first place, will take the opportunity to gain power in this Country which rightfully belong to the Malays. How dare they? Do they not know of the sacrifices of the Malay race to give them refuge here? How dare they bite the hand that feeds them? And how can they blackmail the government into giving into their demands by threatening to vote for Pakatan Rakyat? Those ungrateful brats! They have to vote for BN! Or secretly vote for UMNO!

MCA should be FLUSHED out of BN. And on that note, Najib should have also NEVER gone to Batu Caves during Thaipusam! How could he be the ONLY PM in the history of this country,(or was he the Second one? Who cares? The gall!) to step unto that soil during their Holy Day? Blasphemy!

Speaking of the PM, how could he have come up with this New Economic Model? Which CLEARLY has a Chinese agenda? You remove the 30% Bumiputera requirement for intial listing shares to only about 12.5%? How dare he? Now, how about Bumiputeras going to obtain free money just by being Bumiputera? What do you mean they're given free land under Felda? What do you mean their children get free scholarships to study overseas? What do you mean MARA gives children education? What do you mean they get a discount for property? You mean some of them actually have to WORK now? My race itself should be a card for everything free! And I quote Raja Petra when he says "just because I came out of a Malay pussy" I AM ENTITLED to all these things!

And hell no, I do not agree with this!" In a nutshell, NEM will be based on competitiveness, innovation, creativity and high value added, and will focus on growth areas such as private education, health tourism, Islamic finance, ICT (information and communication technologies), creative industry and bio-technology and the role of foreign investors to raise the level of competition and innovation."

This is NOT the spirit of the NEP! Competitiveness? Is that even a WORD? Innovation and creativity? Who needs that when we're entitled to everything as of right?!

Seriously. This is so upsetting. I think I am going to unfriend some Chinese immigrant friends of mine. Lest they want to take over everything I own or blackmail me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The idiot on tv.

You would think that the Muslims would've sent someone who at least looks a little more intelligent and can stare directly at the camera instead of having the perpetual "eye rolling over the back of his head" look.

And you would think he can come up with non pre prepared answers and they are not confined to "We think it is exclusive to Islam." "it is a word close to our hearts" "we are not overreacting, it's a word close to our hearts" and " it is exclusive to Islam".

I think the rest of the world is just tired with the "It is exclusive to Islam because we said so. We don't care that the rest of the world have been using it even before reigion ever existed. WE MALAYSIAN MUSLIMS, said so."

I think it's time to come up with a better justification than that, no?

Christian vs Muslim

Those who oppose the use of the word Allah say "please respect the sensitivities of the Muslims.
Allah has been used for centuries in Malaysia as the word to denote the God of Islam. "

Those who are for the use of the word Allah to denote God in general, say "But it is merely a word which predates religion. It is our inherent right to use that word."

So, really, why can't the Christians just respect the sensitivities of the Muslims? Why not just revert to Tuhan instead of Allah?

Why indeed?

Because like the Sun columnist said today, it is possibly because the Christians (and all other faiths in Malaysia) feel that we may have given a little too much.

1.Pork is banned in Islam, movies about small cute pigs by the name of Babe never make it to Malaysian shores.
2.Shah Alam residents are mostly Muslims, the whole town is declared an Islamic town and alcohol and entertainment are banned.
3.International acts who want to perform here do not adhere to the strict "dress code" to respect our culture (which by OUR culture it means Islamic culture), we prohibit them from performing here.
4.Alcohol is banned in Islam, so all things related to alcohol such as concerts organised by the company, or any other event, is banned.
5.Scholarships and university placements are not based on merit, but by race and religion.
6.Up until this year, all businessmen who want to set up a company must find 30% bumiputra investors/partners before they can.
7.Malays/Muslims pay less for property because they get an automatic 5% discount
8. They removed Hang Tuah from the history books because it was found that Hang Tuah, the great warrior, was actually Chinese.
9. When the Muslims fast, they can go home early/ come in late, but when the Christians/Hindus/Buddhist fast they do not get that privilege.
10. They banned the Da Vinci code because it was about Christianity (though many Christians thought watching the movie amounted to Blasphemy)
11. They allow universities set up for Malays/Muslims to crop up like flowers after a shower, but only allow UTAR university status after fighting for it for ten years.
12. They relocate temples, tear down places of worship belonging to other faiths, because it offensive to the majority of Muslims living in that area. (And then they step on cow heads to prove a point)

I could go on.

But I shall not. Because I do not adopt the attitude of those who think we have to respect their sensitivies, but do not find the need to also respect ours in return.

The country has been relatively peaceful because the Non Muslims have done NOTHING but respect the sensitivities of the Muslims.

It has become inherent to us not to eat in front of them when our Muslim friends are fasting.
We provide for halal food when we invite them for meals.
We wear the tudung to cover our heads when we enter the mosque.
We prevent alcohol from being served when there are Muslims who are attending an event.
We do not conduct anything on Fridays during their Friday prayer hours.

That is just to name a few.

In return, when we ask for small favours which is our very right as a citizen of Malaysia, we're reminded that we're merely "foreigners" who have been given the permission to "remain in Malaysia." That the Malays/Muslims were kind enough to let us stay and be given citizenship.

In the wake of the church burnings, the Christians have rallied together to pray for peace. Nobody has retaliated. Nobody has started burning churches.

Instead the arson continues. Lawyers who defend the Herald see their offices being broken into, whether coincidentally or not. Protests continue in Mosques. Poster saying "ALLAH adalah untuk kegunaan Islam saja" crop up everywhere.

And the Christians continue to kneel before God and bow their heads and pray for peace.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We do not need to stoop that low.

Have you ever had one lone car on the road terrorizing you to give way to it, so it can zoom pass you, in its 2 litre, brand new flashy tires, big ass sedan or whatchamacallit expensive body works? And then you do give way cos you figured no point trying to outdo his flashy ass car, and it ZOOMS past you and you can see the driver flashing his big grin saying "Yeah baby. check out the ride! Bugger off the road slow mo in sad ass car?"

Then you reach the traffic lights about 30 m ahead and stranded there, waiting for the red light to change, is Mr. Check out my cool ride ? Then you slowly slide up next to his car and then you give him the " still have to wait for the lights huh?"

This is exactly how I feel about the church burning.

When my friend texted me in the morning to tell me there had been some church burning "activities" going on, I was not exactly disturbed. I was not particularly effected or upset. Not because I am not Christian, but because dim witted acts like this was not unheard of here in Malaysia.

Upset with temple relocating, step on cow head. Upset with leaders from opposition, play pretend to pee on the poster. Just to name a few.

So, why was everyone surprised? Let's recap in point form the events.
  • Court ruled Allah can be used by Christians to describe God.
  • Muslims get their panties in a bunch.
  • Muslims call for Government to tell the Court who's boss.
  • Government says sorry, we cannot stop people from protesting in mosques because they are entitled to show their dissastisfaction with the ruling.
  • Some random dim wits go on church burning rampage.
  • Government condems such acts
Now, any idiot will tell you, if the Government tie their own hands behind their backs and say they cannot do anything about planned protests, then they obviously indirectly endorsed the despicable behaviour isnt it?
Well, any idiot can tell you that's obvious. But not the Malaysian Government. Right now I cannot think of anything more degrading than an idiot. So, we'll leave that for next time.

Anyway, I digress. So I am not upset with church burnings only because this merely shows the stupidity of the ones involved. The ignorance, the disrespect, the dim wittedness, the ( just insert any words that equate to stupidity or ignorance) of the church burners. It makes it clearer to the rest of the world that some Malaysians are put simply, dumb asses.

Dumb enough to think, by burning churces, the Herald will say "we will stop using the word Allah."
Dumb enough to think, the rest of the Non Muslims in Malaysia will suddenly sympathise with the Muslim's plight to have Allah for their own exclusive use.
Dumb enough to think the Christians will retaliate and hence ignite the sparks of a racial war.

So here's what I think, let the dumb ones go do what they want. Step on cow heads, piss on posters, throwing home made molotov cocktails at churches.

The rest of us do not have to stoop to their level. We have dignity, grace and intelligence.

Let us just wait at the traffic light grinning to ourselves at the stupid big ass flashy car waiting right next to us.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Summary of year end- 2009.

You know how you have so many important things to do but you choose to do the most menial unimportant ones?

You know how two jet planes costing the Malaysian taxpayers MYR100 million got "ejected" off to another country and is still untraceable and nobody has been held accountable for its disappearance? You know how the Sun newspaper today yelled "top brass cleared" and apparently only the rank and file are responsible for the loss of the jet planes? Logically speaking, if you go to say, McDonalds and the guy behind the counter gives you the shittiest service you've ever experienced in your life, who do you yell for? The manager right? Because he is responsible for the people who work for him. He is the Mr. go to whenever there are any problems in that place. So how can top people in the Army be cleared? Somebody should be responsible for the delinquents in the Army. You don't dust your shoulders and say "it wasn't me!" The Japanese go as far as taking their own lives when something goes wrong in their corporation. When a train crashed, the CEO of the train company stepped down and bowed before the press to express his apology for the crash. Malaysians?
We deny any responsibility, we point fingers and then we say "it wasn't me!".

Something as pressing and urgent as the ARMY, the MALAYSIAN ARMY who is supposed to protect us from foreign invasion, missing two jet planes which was STOLEN from underneath their noses is not immediately dealt with. Instead, it's the use of the word Allah which is getting everybody's panties in a bunch. The ex ex-PM's panties are so much in knots he can hardly breathe, poor dude. Non Muslims are reminded to respect the sensitivities of Muslims. Islam is the official religion of the country.

Yes. We understand that Islam is the official religion of the country. But is Malaysia the founder of Islam? The last I checked, we weren't. And the word Allah predates Islam. Sure, I am uneducated in this matter, if indeed Allah is exclusively for Islam, then all other countries in the world which have used Allah as a reference to God must have gotten it all wrong for centuries. CENTURIES. Allah as far as the rest of the world (minus Malaysian Muslims of course) is an Arabic word which derived from al and ilah. Christian Arabs have used Allah to mean God all these years but hey you know what? Let us MALAYSIANS whose civilisation came thousands and thousands of years after the Arabs claim that Allah is exclusively for Islam. Cos us Malaysians are great that way. Malaysia Boleh. (said three times with great enthusiasm). I think the next logical step for Malaysia is to take over the Enclyclopedia and rewrite it. Cos you know, we're just great that way.

And then in the midst of things that are a threat to public security and which exposes the weaknesses of the government, the DBKL finds it appropriate to revoke the entertainment licenses of clubs. It's indirectly saying "here's a death certificate for your business. HAHA." Sure, the music is 20 decibels above the permitted 60. And all the service residences are complaining about the noise. So, if you have half the brain in DBKL, you would have not approved permits for development of residential areas around entertainment outlets no? It's like allowing a mosque to be built right smack in between pork breeders, and then saying, sorry, the mosque does not allow you continue breeding pork. You know. Pork, Islam. No go. Like I said before, the previous Perak government thought it was a great idea to build a mosque next to the General Hospital. Sure, more than 80 decibel of "noise" comes through the mosque five times a day but do the patients, lying there, sick and dying, complain about the noise? Nope. Can't. Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, You've got a problem with that? Go die somewhere else.

2010 is here. We ended 2009 with great news that reminds us Malaysians that, as years progress, the BS continues.

Happy New Year all.