I used to tell everybody how great a Sultan we have in Perak. But after the whole Perak power struggle, I have to rethink my position.
For those who are uninformed as to what happened in Perak, here's a behind the fiasco story.
On a separate note:
Everytime I see a 1 Malaysia sign, I feel like spitting on it.
I really do.
I spit on it because it obviously is a waste of tax payers money to print, churn and distribute these new 1 Malaysia logos, posters, giant billboards and whatnots. What? The more we look at it, the more we will believe the BS is it?
It's nothing but propaganda. 1 Malaysia this 1 Malaysia that. What has PM done to even prove 1 Malaysia? Just because you travel everywhere to launch the IDEA of 1 Malaysia, doesn't mean its a success in implementing the alleged policies before it.
1 Malaysia has been brought to its knees by the Auditor's report of excesses and misappropriation of money. OUR Money.
1 Malaysia - Rakyat didahulukan, hence because the rakyat (UMNO) wanted a man tainted with corruption to lead them in Bagan Pinang, that's what they get! Two thumbs up!
1 Malaysia- where MACC can ask someone to come and help with investigations but then say "he was not under our jurisdiction" when this someone is found dead on their premises. No police report, nothing. MACC's duty to BN's "pencapaian diutamakan".
1 Malaysia, it's not something that will outlive the PM. I doubt it will but MIC thinks its the greatest idea that has ever been invented. As great as the birth and rise of Samyvellu. Hence the need to change September 16, which is Malaysia day, to 1 Malaysia day. Can someone yell bootlicker?
1 Malaysia. This is what the chinese call a new jamban.
Everyone wants to go sit on it and take a crap. Just to experience the new jamban and its features.
Whatever it boasts to do, its still a place for crap isn't it?
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