Ever had a friend or an acquaintance whom is forever ungrateful no matter what you did for him? He will always find fault with you, saying its never enough, its not good enough, nothing works. To him, it is all about receiving, but less about giving?
That's how I as a MALAYSIAN, feel about Indonesians.
Did you hear they plan to INVADE Malaysia? A volunteer vigilante group called BENDERA (Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat) are waging war against us. They have 1300 volunteers and 500 medical personnel who plan to depart from Jakarta to Malaysia, armed with weapons like bamboo spears, sticks and parang.
They're wreaking vengeance on Malaysia because we:-
1) stole their culture
2) abuse their maids.
Us Malaysians are a terrible lot aren't we?
What do you mean we sent relief to Padang quake victims? Flew relatives and medical personnel and volunteers for free with Air Asia? Collected money and give them aid?
That's not enough.
What do you mean MERCY Malaysia was the first to land and offer its aid when the tsunami hit Indonesia?
That's not enough.
What do you mean we give thousands if not millions of Indonesians citizenship and PRs?
That's not enough.
What do you mean we give them jobs here ?
That's not enough.
What do you mean every year they give us the best haze ever from their burning forest- like a yearly gift. "Here's some tainted air for you courtesy of our burning forests. You're WELCOME!"
It's a damned gift. Why are us Malaysians so ungrateful?
We bloody stole their culture and abuse(d) their maids!
Who cares if that visit Malaysia ad had nothing to DO with Malaysia as it was produced solely by the Discovery/National Geographic channel? We could have done something! We could have issued a full page apology for even DARING to ASSUME we are as CULTURED as the Indonesians. For shame Malaysia!!
And who cares if thousands of poverty stricken women come here to earn a living and are able to support their families back in Indonesia? We abuse them! Three in every one hundred? Still? An abuse is an abuse! For shame Malaysia!!
I think the Indonesians are right. We deserved to be punished with primitive weapons.
Please do come attack us.
In return, to show you how very sorry we are, we shall revoke all citizenships and PRs offered to you, stop taking you in for jobs, stop providing relief whenever a natural disaster hits you.
Malaysia should just stop being such a bloody bad neighbour!
ungrateful bastards and what a way to solve a problem by invading our land with violence.
extra note: their aritsts came here thousand of times to perform and for album launchings. the people here worship their artists such as kris dayanti, dewa, sheila on 7, irwan syah, peter pan and hell yeah our locals will go to the theatres to watch their movies too.
we ARE supporting our ungrateful BFF in so many things and THAT's the best they can do FOR US ?
BITCH BITCH BITCHHHH. ungrateful people will always have problems. Earthquake? tsunamis? mass poverty ? what else?
so much for BFF. pfft.
atas ni i punya komen :P
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