Friday, January 18, 2008

The age of innocence does not exist in Malaysia

Only in Malaysia do politicians interpret the word "bataskan pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan" as "We are not stopping or asking for segregation. We are not stopping them from interacting. But to be careful in their interaction.The to be tertib.."

So that is what the textbook for 9 year olds was trying to say....

TERTIB . And to think ALL these while, I thought the word "BATAS" meant to limit. So when people were to exclaim "Cinta yang tiada batasannya" it did not mean unlimited or unconditional love, it actually means love with much order, or orderly love. (Whatever that means)

Our Education Minister says he teaches his children, and I quote " I dont stop them from mixing with the opposite gender. But we have to do it within our own culture and value system." unquote.

The question is actually, what culture and value system are we talking about here? Is it our Malaysian culture to tell our 9 year old children to be "orderly" when they mix with their peers? Do 9 year old children actually NEED these restrictions? When I was 9, I did not sit down and think to myself, "OHMYGAWD!THAT BOY IS LIKE SO HOT!I SO WANT HIM TO BE MY BOYFRIEND!*followed by devilish impure thoughts*"

9 years of age, for goodness sake.
Dont you think that the MORE you try to STOP them from doing something the MORE they are curious to know WHY? If I were 9 and I see a boy, I think, hmm, He is a boy. But if my parents come screaming and yelling to "STAY AWAY!DONT GO NEAR HIM!" I would think hmm..what is SO special about this fella?" So I would go read up about it. Ahh, a boy has *giggle giggle*.

"teehee.he is touching me there!"

What Malaysian culture advocates that young children should limit, oh I meant make sure their actions are orderly, when they interact with children from another gender? And what values are we talking about that we ASSUME children of 9 are capable of having sexual thoughts or impure thoughts about the opposite gender? What type of upbringing is that?!

Even COURTS acknowledge that children below a certain age cannot differentiate between right and wrong or which parent they like best when they have to choose. Children at the age of 9 may tell you, when asked which parent they like better, " I like mummy better because she buys me ice cream all the time". Or I want to stay with Daddy because Daddy knows how to tape my favourite video shows."
And we in Malaysia SOMEHOW think children at the age of 9 can think oooohhh, a boy. I want to touch him you-know-where?

What is Malaysia becoming? Where are we heading?
It frightens me to know that as we progress closer to Vision 2020, our outlook and so called culture and values somehow have a pecutan negatif effect.

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