This whole Perak fiasco, can be summed up in two words. BN BOLEH.
Now, I have had my share of being bombarded with insults and "what type of governance do you subscribe to?" when I said that BN cannot be faulted for everything that happened in Perak. Well, the expression it takes two to tango makes a whole lot of sense to me.
This is how I see it, when Anwar Ibrahim indicated that BN MPs in Sabah were going to do an exodus of crossovers and PKR will then take over as federal government, PKR supporters waited with bated breath for that victory announcement. And when that Bota man crossover to PKR, everyone cheered "TAKE THAT BN!".
However, when the BOTA man and the other two PKR men who were promised their corruption charges were more likely than not be "solved" if they move over to BN, and that Jelapang DAP woman who said "RM20million? I was not offered that money!(but she never said anything about RM19.5 million perhaps but that is another story) DID quit PKR and pledged their allegiance to support BN, all PKR supporters had their panties/boxers and underwear in a big huge knotted bunch.
There were calls of a "revolution", and there was "we will send you BN people to hell in the next GE" and "BN plays dirty, shame shame".
Okay so lets back up a minute, isnt BN doing exactly what Anwar Ibrahim promised to do and applauded when it was done? So why is everybody bombarding me with all these hate messages when I said BN did not let us down and did nothing wrong-ER (I couldnt find a more appropriate word so I invented one) than what they have been doing all these while. Subscribing to dirty politics is a must in BN. So, they are just doing what they are used to. The issue here is PKR let us down. PKR could not keep its members in their party. PKR could not dangle a big enough carrot in front of those three members to keep them in and pledge their support for Nizar. I do not feel that BN has played any more dirty than they usually do. I only feel that PKR perhaps did not work hard enough to ensure their members stayed loyal and steadfast to the PKR manifesto and principles.
That is what I feel. It of course does not help PKR with that Karpal shooting off "Anwar should step down" messages to the media. I guess he has never heard of closing ranks or unity in times of adversity. He of course subscribes to "each man for himself!"
Yes, while I am perturbed by the fact that:-
1) the Kedah Umno Malay something (I forget) has called for the Sultan of Perak to ban Karpal from entering the state,
2)demonstrations by upset Malays outside of Karpal's office (and a threat to continue doing so if he does not withdraw the suit)
3) many angry emails that he should be "dealt with appropriately"
4) threats of "withdraw OR ELSE" ( scary!)
because Karpal has brought the Sultan to court for declaring that PKR were no longer in power and BN was, I Too feel like yelling "SHUT THE F UP KARPAL!"
After all, the whole PKR vehicle is seen to be crumbling, the last thing to do is to question Anwar's power and ability. If you NEED to do it, please do it internally.
But I digress.
So now the whole fiasco is no longer BN vs PKR, it has extended to MALAY vs NON-MALAY by the UMNO people.
Asking for "Malays to unite, whatever party they belong to,to fight against this disrespect to the Sultan" is ridiculous dont you think? I think so.
Right now, I applaud Nizar's determination to fight this to the end. I applaud his tenacity. In fact I applaud the whole PKR team for fighting for us Perak voters who put them there.
But I think in my friend M's words;-
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