Friday, February 20, 2009

Who died and made us guardians of the right and wrong of having nude photos?

- picture courtesy of ohbulan

This is an image of a couple who allegedly got it on in an x ray room in some hospital. Apparently the man works there and he snuck his lady friend into the room to get some action. And they filmed it as a momento of their great escapade.

When I look at this picture, I think tsk tsk, he could have been more discreet with it. Sure, who are we to judge this two hor- I mean, amorous people who want to get it on in a public place? I am sure we have our very own skeletons in our closets. We do not know what people do behind closed doors and we sure as hell do not want people to know what WE do behind closed doors. So, while I tsk tsk his indiscretion, I do not tut-tut his right to do what he did. After all, humans are put on the planet to enjoy the company of each other.

So, this brings me to the main topic of the post. What is up with the big brouhaha with Elizabeth Wong's photos? In the first place, they are merely naked pictures, whether in "compromising" positions or not. People are entitled to take pictures of themselves. Politicians, presidents, neighbours, friends and colleagues alike. They want to take naked pictures of themselves, who are we to stop them? After all, we do not throw a disgusted look at those who cam-whore to the max when it comes to bombarding facebook with pictures of nobody else but themselves (albeit fully or semi clothed- so why should nudity cause such a furore? Its just plus minus some clothes but essentially the same thing)

It does not mean they are any less a good politician, a great friend or a fantastic co-worker. It is just merely a preferance as to what they like to do in their private hours and in their own time. (I have shared my views on this in regards to the Chua Soi Lek episode) Of course if a video or pictures are leaked of say a politician dressed in S&M clothing, holding a whip and spanking a child, then I will say WHOA! Maybe just maybe this piece of information about him or her is a gauge of what type of person and politician he is. Better to get him out!

But harmless naked pictures, hey I am all for their right to do that.

Of course many people have rallied around Elizabeth; supporters and oppositions alike. But there is ALWAYS ONE person/group (hint: Malay Movement Youth something whatchamacallit) who will always have this to say from their alleged high moral platform- that this is immoral, that it is wrong from a religious viewpoint, it is highly disgusting and she has to step down because it is unbecoming and unbefitting of a politician to be caught with his pants down (or panties missing- just fill in the blanks). [This I must say is the same group who want Rihanna banned from Malaysia because it is UNDENIABLE vthat the taxes she pays in America contributes to what has been used to fund the war in Gaza- the logic that these men/women have AMAZES ME!I LOVE IT!]

You know I hate dirty politics. But I especially hate it in THIS country because small things are made into big mountains when it comes to morals and religion. Being naked in your own time and taking pictures of yourself does not make one immoral or any less religious. I do not think the bible, the Koran or any other religious book said "thou shall not take naked pictures of yourself and distribute it on the internet".

Does it? I stand corrected. But until then, I spit on those who have said Elizabeth has been immoral.[Even NIK AZIZ WAVED IT AWAY- come on people. Can any of YOU be more religious that THIS man?]


The Zik said...

kan? kan?

kong yoke said...

actually, whatever turns a person on, whether it be S&M, threesomes, or whatever should not be used as a basis to judge one's character.

if that person, however, is a pedophile, necrophile, rapist, etc, then that's a different matter.

anyways, the liz wong thing is just stupid lah. i don't see why there should even been any "moral" issues when she's just sleeping (semi) naked.